Guess who’s starting to workout today? That’s right…yours truly. I’ve always liked to stay active, I even jump on the treadmill a couple times a week. However, for some reason every single autumn I gain a ridiculous amount of weight. You know how most people have their weight fluctuate between 5 or maybe 10 pounds? Nope, not me. Mine swings a whooping 20+ pounds every year. No matter how hard I try, I can’t keep it off.
So here I am…announcing my plan to workout online with the hopes it gives me added accountability so I won’t slack off. The mantra I’ll shout to myself every time I pick up that dumbbell, go for a run, and do those crunches is:
Binge eating habits aside, I have a feeling that in order to maintain ...
موضوعات مرتبط: تغذیه و زیبایی ، تغذیه ورزشکاران ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،
Slow cookers make everything taste great! All the flavors meld together and meats come out juicy and delicious every time. I cook chicken in a simple sauce, it basically falls apart, making it so easy to shred! Add a nice crusty roll and you have a fantastic meal! Consider this recipe a pull pork sandwich…made with the original white meat!
2 chicken breasts (frozen ...
موضوعات مرتبط: آموزش آشپزی ، پیتزا و ساندویچ ها ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،
My boys are huge breakfast fans and would happily eat eggs for dinner any night. This was a fun {and mighty tasty!} twist on breakfast for dinner. We all gobbled it up and concurred that it will be eaten again soon. For the sake of showing the egg and bacon beauty, I didn't pile on the spinach for the picture. But on our plates there was a whole lot, which paired very well with the rest of the dish. One other bonus I didn't mention - quick & easy on ....
موضوعات مرتبط: آموزش آشپزی ، پیتزا و ساندویچ ها ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،
Dragonfly Cupcakes

In their flights around and about the English countryside where Lizzy lives in Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue, Tinker Bell and the other fairies share the air space with a host of other winged creatures, including honeybees, butterflies, and -- perhaps the most talented flying acrobats of all -- dragonflies. Much like mini helicopters, these colorful insects are most often found hovering alongside streams and ponds. Or, in the case of this candy variety, sweetly perched atop a batch of cupcakes.
You'll need:
- Batch of cupcakes
- White frosting
- Blue Sour Punch Straws
- Brown M&M's candies
- Swedish Fish, red and/or orange
1. Frost the cupcakes.
2. Cut the Sour Punch Straws into 2-inch lengths and place one length atop each cupcake for the dragonfly bodies. Press the front of each body a bit deeper into the frosting than the tail end.
3. Place an M&Ms candy at the head of each dragonfly body.
4. Arrange four Swedish Fish candies behind each dragonfly head to resemble two sets of wings.
موضوعات مرتبط: آموزش آشپزی ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،

Curry can be hard for little ones to enjoy, but adding a familiar food like meatballs and sweetening it ever so slightly makes it more palatable. My kids like all the color of this and the ease of prep works for me. You can use pre-made meatballs from the grocery store's freezer section or make them fresh from your own recipe.
Hands-On Time: 10 minutes
Ready In:....
موضوعات مرتبط: آموزش آشپزی ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،

Who can resist anything, even broccoli, when it is smothered in a delectable cheese sauce? It's so good, in fact, that your kids may find themselves arguing over the last spoonful. I won't go so far as to suggest that this is the healthiest way to prepare broccoli, but at least it gets kids eating it! Serve this as a side dish for a big family meal, or as a supper all on its own. Either way, your kids won't be able to get enough.
- 2 tablespoons butter
- ...
موضوعات مرتبط: آموزش آشپزی ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،
My children and husband are big fans of frozen meat and cheese pockets. I don't mind them too much for convenience sake, but they can get pricey and the preservatives aren't something I'm a fan of. No matter how I try, I can't seem to find the name brand for less than a dollar per pocket, so I set out to make my own. The day I made these, they cost a whopping 35 cents each. Prep-time is minimal and you don't need a lot of filling to .....
موضوعات مرتبط: آموزش آشپزی ، مطالب مرتبط انگلیسی ، ،